Canseco says A-Rod took steroids

Wait. What?
Suzy Waldman and various media worshippers have been telling us that A-Rod's talent comes straight from the gods. That he is the pure, naturally all-powerful Adonis who is destined to break Barry Bonds' steroids-tainted all-time home run record in a few years and restore baseball to its rightful place along with Mom's apple pie and white picket fences.
"All I can say is the Mitchell Report is incomplete," Canseco said. "I could not believe that (Rodriguez's) name was not in the report."
Hate Canseco for being the douchebag that he is, but you've got to admit that his book and his outspokenness about the use of steroids in baseball, including admitting his own steroid use, was a major catalyst in getting the issue the attention and scrutiny it's receiving today.
And as annoying and self-serving as Canseco has been with his accusations, has he been proven wrong yet? He's certainly been proven right a few times.
And the obvious consensus is that Mitchell's report named only a fraction of the players who did take steroids.

As one sports radio talk show host said the day the report was released, "there are a lot of players and former players out there today breathing a big sigh of relief, having feared they might be named."
And was it just a coincidence that the Steinbrenners waited until just after the report came out to give a final sign-off on A-Rod's $275 million deal? Think, perhaps, that they wanted to make sure he wasn't on that list before committing that much money to someone the fans hate to begin with?
Labels: Alex Rodriguez, Jose Canseco, Suzyn Waldman